February 23, 2025
Rush Lake State Game Area

The Strange Mystery Holes at Michigan’s Rush Lake State Game Area

Rush Lake State Game Area

Mystery at Rush Lake State Game Area

One area that fascinated us was a deep pool of water cut out of the sandstone at the end of Quarry Road near Rush Lake. It was more significant than the size of two Olympic swimming pools. We threw rocks into it and tried to figure out how deep the water was. We typically got chased out by some irritated neighbor or got bored and went to explore something else. Other than the name of the street, no one knew anything about that deep pool at the end of the road.

I recently started doing some research and discovered quite a bit of history associated with that area we fondly call “the quarry.” There is a connection between this state game area and the vast quarry south of Bay Port.

Find out the rest of the story at ThumbWind.

Related Reading for Rush Lake on Michigan4you

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Michaela Nolte

Michaela is a history buff and loves to export historical markers and old buildings and seeks stories about Michigan and Great Lakes history. When she is not writing, you can find her with a good book sipping wine on the beach.

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